Tips on Choosing the Right Wood Pallets for Your Export Use

Wooden pallets are extensively used as export pallets. These pallets lend themselves to export use because they are incredibly strong and can, therefore, be used multiple times. Aside from their robust construction, wooden pallets are affordable, easily stackable and repairable, and they can be recycled upon reaching the end of their service life. It is, however, important to note that not all wooden pallets are export-grade. All wood pallets designed for export purposes must meet certain local and international requirements to be used as packaging material in cargo shipping. 

If your business is looking to tap into exciting new markets across the world, you should know that wood packaging requirements for Australia may differ from wood packaging requirements for other countries. This guide will provide you with information on how to choose the right type of pallets for your export use.

Pallet sizes

Since the standard for pallet sizes may differ by country, Australian standard pallets may not be accepted in other countries. When choosing wooden pallets for exporting your products, it's always prudent to find out the standard pallets for the country you are exporting goods to. Choosing the right pallet size could make all the difference when it comes to ensuring the efficient handling of your goods when they arrive at the destination country. 

The pallet jacks, forklifts and other heavy lifting machinery used in that particular country may have been designed to handle local pallet sizes. Exporting goods in non-standard pallets may require importers to replace their material-handling equipment. This may be too costly.

Pallet treatment

As wood is a porous, organic material, wooden pallets can be embedded with foreign bacteria, which can endanger local flora and fauna. For this reason, export pallets are usually treated to destroy such infestation. There are various options for treating wooden pallets, but only two methods are recommended for treating export-grade pallets. These are heat treatment and fumigation with methyl bromide. 

If your pallets are exported without an appropriate marking that indicates how it was treated, your shipment may be quarantined in the destination country. You may be required to treat your pallets before your shipment can be cleared, or your shipment could be returned. 

If you take the above factors into consideration, you should be able to select the right wooden pallets for your export. Be sure to keep tabs on changing legislation in the destination country so you always comply with local requirements for wooden pallets.
