You Need This When Buying and Installing Corrugated Steel Pipes for Floodwater Control

In a construction site, you must prepare for all sorts of challenges. Heavy rainfall is one of them. The floodwater that results after a heavy downpour can slow down your work, greatly interfering with your project schedule. The good thing is that you can get rid of this floodwater with corrugated steel pipes strategically installed at various points within your site. The pipes come in various sizes with diameter lengths as small as six inches and even larger than 100 inches for the large pipes. Corrugated steel pipes needed to control flooding are a huge investment that you must take care of to keep maintenance, repair and replacement costs at an optimal low. Here is what you need for this process:

Coatings Applied on the Pipe

Protective coating refers to the materials applied to the corrugated steel pipe after the base metal. Considering that these pipes will be installed in the ground where they will be exposed to lots of water and corrosive chemical salts, you need a protective layer to retain the integrity of the steel. A corrugated steel pipe to control flooding in your site faces the threat of abrasion as well as rust. This is because floodwater carries lots of solid dirt and small stones and sticks. The waste rubs constantly against the walls of the pipe and the friction can easily wear ordinary zinc or galvanic coating. For improved durability, go for a polymer-coated pipe that protects against both chemical and frictional abrasion.

Joints and Couplings

A singe pipe may not suffice for a large construction site spanning several metres or possibly kilometres. This means that you need joints and couplings for linking various pipes together. The important aspect when choosing couplings and joints is that they shouldn't create points of weakness or entry for corrosive elements to begin their activity. Going for the same type of coating for the joints, couplings and the pipe itself is an assurance that there's uniform protection throughout, and there are minimal chances for a point of weakness. To add on that, ask the vendor if the joints and couplings have been subjected to psi hydrostatic tests that examine them for leakages.

Compaction Equipment

You should also be prepared to hire compaction equipment for installing the corrugated steel pipes. This is to ensure that you the pipe have been embedded properly. It will provide field structural strength for your pipe and improve its durability.
