Industrial Repairs: Tips For Keeping Your Electric Motors in Good Shape

If you use industrial machinery that contains an electric motor, it is important that you pay close attention to the quality of the motor itself. Once the motor goes, the rest of the machinery is at risk. With regular maintenance and care, you avoid potential issues and hopefully prevent major repairs.

Check For Noise and Vibrations

There are a variety of signs your machinery could give you that might indicate problems with the electric motor. A common sign is to have either odd noises or vibrations when that machine is being used. Keep the motor connected to the machine and turn it on, using it as you normally would. Now pay close attention to its function, listening for vibrations or noises that you don't usually hear. The vibrations might sound like a metal component is loose, there could be squeaking indicating the need for lubrication, or there may be an odd noise that might signal a misalignment, bent shaft, or bearings that need to be replaced. If you do notice any of these signs, turn off the machine and take the motor to a repair professional.

Keep the Motor and Components Lubricated

With any type of metal part, you need to be sure it is kept lubricated. This allows the moving parts to move freely without rubbing together or making loud squeaking noises. Lubrication can also keep the parts in good condition and help your motor last longer. On a routine basis, spray the components of the electric motor with an appropriate lubricating oil. Don't use the lubricating oil too much, or the machine and components become slippery and cause a host of other problems. However, do create a reasonable schedule for when more lubrication is needed. When lubricating the motor, make sure you know the grease requirements for that type of motor.

Replace Bearings as Needed

One of the more common components of an electric motor you need to inspect and replace is the bearings. Bearings don't last quite as long as other metal components, so don't be surprised if those noise and vibrations are due to them more often than other parts of the motor. If you hear a thumping or grinding when using the machinery, it is probably due to the bearings starting to wear down and needing to be replaced. If bearings are hot to the touch after using the motor, this is another sign they need to be replaced.

Consult a professional for inspections or repairs to keep your electric motor in tip-top condition. 
