Why You Should Choose Stainless Steel For Your Handrails

If you are in need of new handrails for a staircase on your commercial property, you might currently be deciding on the material. There are many materials to choose from, from wood or glass, to various types of metal. Stainless steel is a popular option for a wide range of reasons. Here are some benefits of stainless steel handrails to keep in mind.

It is Low Maintenance

The last thing you want to do is have a brand new handrail installed that needs frequent cleaning and maintenance. You don't need to worry about that when you choose stainless steel. This is a non-porous material, so it is easy to wipe down and keep stains away. This is also a more hygienic type of material, which is great considering all the hands that will touch the handrails during the day. It is ideal for high-traffic areas in your business since all those fingerprints aren't as obvious on this material than aluminum or glass.

The Handrail Will Be Very Durable

Another thing to keep in mind when choosing a handrail material isn't just how it will look while new, but how long it will last. Wood and glass handrails have a sleek and warm look to them, but they don't last as long without needing repairs or replacements. With stainless steel, the material is extremely durable, helping to protect your investment for a long time. Again, it is great for high-traffic areas since it can handle a lot of regular use without needing extensive repairs. It is also resistant to rust, so keep in mind these handrails can also be used outdoors.

Stainless Steel is Eco-Friendly

Stainless steel is one of the most earth-friendly materials you can choose for your handrail. It is often made from recycled metals, and can also be recycled if you ever decide to upgrade the railing at a later date. If in a few years, you decide on a design change in your business and want to switch the handrail design or material, the stainless steel railing can be completely recycled without any of it ending up in local landfills. This allows you to have a greener business, which is always a good thing.

There Are Multiple Finishes to Choose From

The great thing about stainless steel is that it doesn't have just one finish to choose from. You can customise the look of the handrail based on the overall design of your commercial property. For example, there is a brushed finish that is great for contemporary looks or you can choose a matte finish for more of a subtle look. There are different intensities of the shine on the stainless steel finish, depending on the area of your property the handrail will be.
